Implant Dentistry
Reclaim Your Smile With Implant Dentistry

Dental implants are the top choice for replacing missing teeth in Winner, SD. These sterile, medical-grade titanium restorations act like artificial tooth roots. Each one is placed in the jaw bone similar to other teeth, where they can serve as anchors to attach a variety of dental restorations to ー depending on how many teeth you need to replace.
Single Teeth Implants
Replacing a single missing tooth with an implant is quite straightforward. Initially, we will insert the post into the bone and after an integration period of a few months you’ll return for us to attach a crown on top of it. Implant crowns look and feel just like your natural teeth and they will last for decades. It’s as if you have an entirely new tooth all over again.
Implant Bridges
If you’re missing several teeth and prefer not to wear a partial, then we can possibly replace them with an implant bridge. We’ll strategically place a pair of implants on either end of the open space and design a unit of 3-4 crowns bonded side by side to serve as the bridge. The teeth on the ends of the bridge will be anchored to the implants (like a crown) while the others are suspended over the gum tissues between them.
Implant Supported Dentures
Implant supported dentures or overdentures are great because they use implants to hold them tightly in place. Implant dentures are much more comfortable to wear and won’t slip or rub. Some designs–like overdentures–are removable and snap onto the corresponding implants. Others are hybrid, fixed appliances that are non-removable and take up less space in your mouth.
Implant Dentist in Winner
If you have missing teeth and are interested in restoring your smile with dental implants, call Winner Dental today. Reserve a consultation to discover which dental implant options are best for your lifestyle!